We are proud of our successes in helping clients to make their organizations more diverse with regard to both race and gender, and we publish our results.

We are less satisfied with progress in our own firm – particularly with regard to race. Like a lot of white dominant firms, we have learned that hiring a diverse workforce is far from the biggest challenge. Creating an inclusive company in which all of us enjoy a sense of belonging is a challenge we address daily.

So, after seeking technical help from BIPOC equity practitioners, we decided to treat ourselves like a struggling client, and made the following improvements.


We employ the same disciplined search practice for ourselves that we do for clients. That is, in addition to casting a wide net for a position, we reach out and conduct layer after layer of conversations in the communities that we wish to see represented among our colleagues.


We created and implemented a nascent power sharing practice that goes beyond consultation and consensus by: identifying specific types of power; defining an individual’s right to wield that power no matter what their title or tenure; and holding our leadership team accountable for hewing to the practice.


Our goal is not representation; it is critical mass. A single representative of a community may temporarily tick a box. It does not change culture. It does not shift power.

We remain intentionally unsatisfied with our progress; the moment we become satisfied, we would begin reverting to the mean.

In other words, our equity journey must remain a struggle. For our firm, it has no endpoint.

Our Values

  • Impact Above All

    We strive to serve organizations that are committed to, and invested in, effecting measurable, systemic change. We strive to avoid ``feel good`` projects.

  • Relationships

    Building long-term relationships with our clients, colleagues, partners, and community is at the heart of everything we do.

  • Progress

    We evaluate every aspect of our work in order to promote continuous progress toward intended outcomes.

  • Sustainability

    We believe that purpose and profit can go hand-in-hand, so we apply equal rigor to achieving both financial and impact sustainability for our clients and ourselves.

  • Ethics + Equity

    We promise to learn from the past and approach today's challenges with courage, honesty, and transparency— working toward a world where everyone has equitable access to information, opportunity, and justice.