Services provided
OE facilitated a long term strategic framework, recommended gentle organizational redesign, and provided continuing talent advice to the Foundation’s founder and Executive Director, Sona Dimidjian. Having created a strategic framework, we worked with the Executive Director and Deputy Director to implement new approaches and strategies.
About the Institute
The Renée Crown Wellness Institute imagines a world where every young person thrives, supported by the caring relationships and inner resources required for a lifetime of wellness. The Institute is a home for research and practice that is dedicated to the social and emotional wellness of all young people, and because we believe wellness must be understood in context, the wellness of adults who support them. In order to accomplish this version, the Institute pursues a new paradigm of research, rooted in connection. Their work builds connections across disciplines within the university and partnerships where teams of researchers, families, teachers, young people, and community members work together as equal partners. We co-design and study transformative practices, programs, and policies that foster wellness among children and youth, families and communities, and educators.
How we went about our work
The Crown Center is a good example of OE’s commitment to being in person with clients. OE colleagues spent a total of fourteen days on-site over six months, interviewing employees, board members, donors, researchers, the university Chancellor, and other stakeholders. We came to know many of the contributors personally, which was crucial to our organizational design work and talent advising.