Tetiaria Society Search
OE is currently conducting an international search for the Tetiaroa Society’s next Executive Director.
The Society is based on a gorgeous, vulnerable atoll in the Tahitian chain. It works to study, understand, conserve, and protect the land, coral, plants, animals and human culture of a place that is exquisitely vulnerable to climate change.
The Society hosts scientists and researchers from around the world and has considerable facilities available, including a state-of-the-art deep-sea submersible (no, it is not driven with a video game controller).
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
OE is in our seventh year of evaluating the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation’s work to build a robust afterschool infrastructure in the United States. Through patient, strategic investing, Mott has been the key player in building a national network that drives progress year after year. In large part because of our client, over 11 million children and young people enjoy the benefits of afterschool; better school performance, improved career and college readiness, and the ability for parents to work through the day.
The Mott Foundation has been instrumental in fostering a nascent movement in the United States around an eventual policy of universal children’s savings accounts; as part of a larger asset building movement. Evidence is clear that these accounts change family trajectories.
In 2025, OE will publish ten year summative reports and strategic roadmaps for both programs.
Oakland 16th Street Train Station
OE is working with the owners of the property under this magnificent, abandoned train station, to create a vision for restoring the edifice to sustainable community use.
We take on a lot of challenging engagements, and this one is no sort of exception. There have been at least four failed attempts to save this historic treasure – the terminus of the first intercontinental railroad and the home of the first black union west of the Mississippi.
The local community is working to create a consensus on the use of the space. Ideas include early childhood services, an entrepreneurship hub, and community ownership for a portion of the property. We expect this to be a long and crooked road, but we’re used to that.
This work is intimate. Done well, it requires both trust and clarity between client and consultant. You’ll find us open to multiple conversations whether a transaction follows or not. Unless you’re in a hurry; in that case, we’re ready to get to work, and we’ll build that trust as we go.