Category: Impact Stories

Explore the steady progress, improbable stories, astonishing people, and occasional heartbreaks that emerge from our client work

Moving power over sacred land back to Indigenous people

The Bears Ears region is slated to become the first National Monument in the United States to be co-managed by a tribal coalition and the U.S. government. This work provides a model for sharing power with Native people and creating a small measure of restorative justice. The Trump administration has expressed opposition, but as one of our Zuni colleagues says: ‘We’ve been here for a couple of thousand years, and we’ll still be here long after this President has moved along.”


Creating an entirely new field of science to the benefit of all humans

Thirty-five years ago, there was no field of contemplative science. Because of the Dalai Lama’s abiding interest in science, and the dedication of three generations of researchers around the world, we are beginning to understand the science of the mind in ways previously not possible – and this knowledge contributes to human well-being and even peace.


College and career ready: proving the case for Children’s Savings Accounts

Our client, the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, has been a key investor in the Children’s Savings Accounts movement for over twenty years. We are now studying the first cohort as they enter college. Early indications are that even small amounts of savings change beliefs, behaviour, high school graduation rates, and college entrance rates.


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