Strategy Services

The traditional strategic plan is important, but strategy is a much deeper concept and practice.

Strategic Planning

Competent plans transform long-term strategic visions into actionable, clear strategies that leaders and staff can endorse, understand and execute.

Conducting rigorous analysis, engages key stakeholders, and applies a phased, disciplined process to craft strategies that flow seamlessly into tactical roadmaps. Our expertise blends research with experience, ensuring every strategy is not only visionary but also practical and executable.

A good plan looks like this:

Why OE?

Organizational Design

Organizational design is widely misunderstood as an org chart. That, however, is the last and most surface expression of a good design.

We analyze your goals, strategies, and culture to design a structure that places the right people in the right roles, aligning talent and resources with your organizational priorities. Our process ensures clarity, efficiency, and alignment with a long-term strategy, setting the stage for sustainable success.

A good design:

Why OE?

Impact Evaluation

Everything; every hire, every strategy, every decision should be made to support your ultimate intended outcomes.

We bring impact evaluation down to earth. Our work is clear, practical, and useful to decision-makers. If you need work that qualifies for a peer-reviewed journal, we’ve done that. But our core focus is on knowing the measurable change you seek to make, understanding your progress, and empowering you to improve your inputs: strategies, talent and resources.

Dr. Grant Jones - Mind & Life Institute

Return on investment

Why OE?

Case Studies

Strategy and Executive Search

Working with the University’s Contemplative Science Center, OE facilitated a multi-decade strategic vision, a 3-year strategic plan, helped to place an interim Executive Director, and provided weekly strategic support to the interim leader. Finally, in late 2024, we placed the CSC’s permanent Executive Director, Dr. Kelly Crace


Everything starts with a conversation

This work is intimate. Done well, it requires both trust and clarity between client and consultant. You’ll find us open to multiple conversations whether a transaction follows or not. Unless you’re in a hurry; in that case, we’re ready to get to work, and we’ll build that trust as we go.