
OE Consulting Quarterly Newsletter: 2024

Crown Wellness Institute at UCB
What We’re Working on this Quarter Whole Organization Work: Strategy + Search OE recently completed a year-long collaboration with the Mind & Life Institute, co-founded by the Dalai Lama, focusing on applying rigorous scientific methods to understand the mind and foster compassion globally. This partnership involved creating the conditions for [...]
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The Foundation Data Dilemma: On Making and Measuring Change

The Foundation Data Dilemma: On Making and Measuring Change
Since attending and presenting at Exponent Philanthropy’s 2023 Annual Conference in October, I’ve spent some time reflecting on how foundations and non-profits relate to one another and engage in social change. In particular, I’ve been thinking about the challenges grant-makers experience in understanding and demonstrating the ‘difference’ they make. In [...]
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A Guide to Different Types of Consulting Services

What Is Consulting, and Who Needs It? Consulting has become a catch-all term loosely referring to the provision of business advice across a range of issues, but it is much more than this.  Consulting engagements are typically designed to solve focused and specific challenges for clients, using experts in problem-solving. […]

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Consulting vs. Advising

While both consulting and advising involve bringing in experts for strategic problem-solving, these services differ in a few key ways. Consulting engagements are typically designed to solve focused and specific challenges for clients. Advising engagements are generally longer-term and more systemic. An advisor may spend many months or years helping […]

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